• Unloading food parcels at Kremenchug synagogue. | Photos: C4I Ukraine
Support Ukraine

Going the extra mile in hot Ukraine

Koen Carlier - 27 August 2024

It is summer in Ukraine, and temperatures here rise to well above 30 degrees Celcius. Whereas in winter we often face impassable roads due to frost and snowfall, in summer our tyres at times almost melt away. Still, we cover many miles, both to distribute food parcels and to help Jewish families leave for Israel.

Emigration from Ukraine via Kishenov (Moldova) to Israel continues despite the tense situation in the country of arrival!

This week we made three trips to Kishenov airport with olim (Jewish emigrants) and there was also a group of 20 olim that left for Israel. Among them was a deaf couple from Zaporohze. Due to Ukraine’s mobilization law, their only son had to remain behind, but their grandson will be accompanying them to provide care.

We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to support and bless the Jewish people in this critical time.

The deaf couple from Zaporohze who left for Israel.

Food parcel distribution
Our team members Igor and Alina distributed a total of 600 food parcels in Poltava, Kremenchug and Alexandria in cooperation with the rabbis, aid organisation Hesed and the local Jewish communities!

Photo gallery: Use the arrows to navigate. The text continues underneath the photos.

As many as 87 Jewish families provided their details so we can assist them in securing appointments with the Israeli consul to prepare their travel documents for their journey to Israel!

In an interesting turn of events, while Igor and Alina were in Poltava, I received a message from Valeria of the Israeli organization ‘First Home in the Homeland’ asking if we could help a family from Poltava who were planning to leave for Israel at the end of September. Just a few hours later, they met with Alina.

The couple from Poltova who will make Aliyah in September.

Trips with olim
All the trips with olim went smoothly this week! Additionally, at the request of the Israeli Embassy, we transported a couple from Kharkiv to Kishenov so they could attend a memorial for their son, who was killed in a terrorist attack in Israel last year.

Last week we also had a meeting in Kiev with the Christian Aliyah Alliance (CAA), a collaboration between Ebenezer, Ezra, and Christians for Israel, with the chief consul of Israel and nearly all the representatives of the Jewish Agency in Ukraine.

We received words of appreciation for our ongoing practical support with aliyah, particularly during the critical period right after the war began.

Each CAA representative had the opportunity to share a brief testimony.

Out in the countryside, our field worker Nataliya visited Jewish elderly people who receive help from Christians for Israel on a monthly basis.

Photo gallery: Use the arrows to navigate. The text continues underneath the photos.

In recent days, hundreds of missiles and drones have once again targeted Ukraine’s already vulnerable infrastructure, including apartment buildings, trucks, and supermarkets, resulting in numerous fatalities and hundreds of injuries. No place in Ukraine is safe! The need to continue packing and distributing thousands of food packages remains critical.

We know that many Christians around the globe are praying for our work here in Ukraine. Your prayers are fuel for our work so that we can continue the aliyah here and distribute thousands of food parcels in the coming period.

Will you help? Please make a donation today!
One food parcel costs €15 | US $ 15 

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Thank you on behalf of the Jewish community in Ukraine!

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