
Christians in Thailand eager to learn about Israel

Pastor Kees Brouwer - 4 October 2018

After two years of absence Rev. Willem Glashouweris able to visit Thailand again for the fourth time. His book Israel:Covenants and Kingdom is translated into Thai, printed in 2017 and is the topic of his ministry.

Rev. Willem arrives in Bangkok from the Philippines on September 7th. This same evening he speaks in an English class with mostly non-believers. They are very interested and eager to learn about Israel especially how the State of Israel came into existence. Together we celebrate the Israeli New Year.

Next day is a day off. The Lord Jesus needs His servant to rest because of a bad cold he catches in the Philipines. This day helps him to get better and gain new strength. Rev. Willem preaches in the Wattana Church on Sunday starting with an English service at 9.00 am and at 10.30 there is a traditional Thai service with translation. The Wattana Church belongs to the Church of Christ in Thailand: a mainstream church with Presbyterian background not familiar with Israel as the chosen people of God. Many churchgoers listen carefully and hear this message for the first time that God has an everlasting covenant with Israel and the important role Israel will have in the future. In the afternoon during Bible study session more and more people come to listen. Many books are sold and are all available now in Thai: Why Israel?, Why End Times?, Why Jerusalem? and also Israel: Covenants and Kingdom.

We travel to Chiang May on Monday morning by plane. In the afternoon we are in the Lahu Bible Training Centre. Rev. Willem teaches 3 hours on Why Israel? and starts to get more and more connected with the students. The next day even more students and teachers come to class and books are sold. The Lahu together with the Karen form the biggest Christian hill tribe in Thailand. We enjoy their hospitality and their interest in Israel.

Wednesday evening we are in the First Church (also a CCT Church) in Chiang Mai for an introduction on Israel. Approximately 30 people attend. Many questions are being asked. After our time in the north of Thailand we travel back to Bangkok. In a prayer meeting in the Rom Yen Church (Assembly of God) Willem speaks about Isaiah 43: The coming home (Aliyah) of the Jewish people from all corners of the world.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday we are in the Praise Church Bangkok. Although he is not the youngest anymore Rev. Willem teaches for more than 7 hours in this church, with people who love Israel and are eager to know more. The XII Theses of Faith on Israel by Christians for Israel, are well received. The pastor will teach on these theses.

God willing we will meet again next year 2019.


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