
Exceptional Kathmandu Conference

Chan Siew Fong - 18 June 2019

The Christians for Israel International 6thAsia Pacific Leadership and Training Conference 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal was exceptional in at least two ways.

Firstly, the conference took less than 3 months from conception at the Christians for Israel (C4I) Forum in Israel in March to implementation from 3rd to 5th June, 2019. This was possible because of the amazing work of our hosts, Message of Hope Ministry, the organising committee and staff helmed by Reverend Dr Simon Pandey, C4I Representative in Nepal, who was introduced to the C4I family by Ian Worby, C4I National Leader for Australia.

Secondly, the initial response of 50 participants grew from 50 to 200 over the few days before the conference began so the venue, Hankook Inn, at Lalitpur, was filled to overflowing. Among the local conferees, there were more than 60 participants from outside Kathmandu. International participants included delegates from Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines.  

Rev Cornelis Kant refuting Replacement Theology

Nepali conferees were astonished at the revelations they received from our speakers concerning Israel, having never heard from this perspective before. Leaders from Tikapur in the far west of Nepal who had bussed almost 16 hours to Kathmandu for this milestone conference were among those who attested to the fresh insights received.

The Christians for Israel teaching team was headed by Reverend Willem Glashouwer and Reverend Cornelis Kant, and supported by by C4I Asia Regional Trainers, Reverend Dr Conrado Lumahan, Brother Kuen Yoon and Sister Siew Fong. Organisational powerhouses, our indefatigable Christians for Israel Asia Director, Reverend Dr Wilson Ng and Shanti Pandey Adhikari from Message of Hope Ministry smoothed out all aspects of the conference programme.

From left Rev Dr Pandey, Ian Worby, HE Ambassador Omer, Rev Glashouwer, Shanti Pandey, Rev Kant, Rev Dr Wilson Ng, Rev Dr Lumahan


HE Benny Omer, Ambassador of Israel to Nepal

Excited whispers permeated the hall on the third morning in anticipation of the arrival of Israel’s Ambassador to Nepal, His Excellency Benny Omer. The half an hour address he made touched on Nepal’s longstanding relationship with Israel as well as initiatives of organisations in Israel to mentor young Nepalis in agriculture and education. For example, local youths may intern in Israel and return to run farms to grow the economy. By helping Nepalis to operate sustainable businesses, Israel can help to stem the brain drain of bright Nepalis to other countries. Ambassador Omer won the hearts of all present with his warmth and understanding of the nation’s challenges, effectively building a bridge between the Israeli Embassy and the Christian community represented at the conference. Ambassador Omer was gifted with books by Reverend Glashouwer, a copy of ‘Israel and Christians Today’ Newspaper and a copy of the ‘Israel 70 Years’ magazine.

The two and a half days conference ended with prayers for Israel by national leaders, followed by photo-taking, with requests and assurances of further training and dialogue

The organizing team has received many letters and messages from participants expressing their gratitude for inviting them to this conference. Many pastors and church leaders were blessed by the conference sessions. Several have requested for audio recordings of Reverend Willem’s teaching. Participants are looking forward to receive the Nepali version of Reverend Glashouwer’s ‘Why Jerusalem’ and ‘Why End Times’, and to attend the next Christians for Israel conference.

Written by Chan Siew Fong (C4I Asia Regional Trainer) with input from Ms. Shanti Pandey Adhikari

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