Advent Scripture Calendar

3) Does everything stay the same?

Rev. Henk Poot - 30 November 2021
Tuesday 30 November

Ecclesiastes 1: 1-11

When you read the first sentences of the book of Ecclesiastes, it almost makes you hopeless. The future is like the wind. Sometimes it blows from this angle and sometimes from that angle, but in the end there’s hardly any change. We have already experienced everything that is coming. You can hope all you want but everything remains the same! It is not exactly a Bible passage that helps us to look to the future and hope. But the wise men of Israel take a different view. They say that it is a very beautiful passage. It means that the last deliverance will be like the first deliverance, the one from Egypt. And so, the coming Redeemer will resemble Moses. Only it will be much more beautiful and much greater. This brings us to the Gospel of John. More on this tomorrow.

Today’s question is: What do you expect of the future? Are you looking forward to it with joy? Can’t Jesus come soon enough or do you fear it? And how do you look at the present? Are there signs that point towards the coming of God’s Kingdom?

I would like to thank You that there is a future. That You hold the course of time in Your hands and there is direction. There is no chaos and confusion, at least not for us, Your children.

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