  • Pastor Paul Jung presenting the Israel & Christians Today newspaper in Seoul | Photo credit: Christians for Israel

C4I’s Newspaper Launched in South Korea

Rev Cornelis Kant - 11 December 2019

A new country has been added to the list of countries that are publishing the Christians for Israel newspaper, Israel & Christians Today, in their native language: South Korea. We are very grateful for that. Pastor Paul Jung has a Korean background and has been serving Korean churches in Sydney, Australia, for many years. He has a warm heart for Israel and the Jewish people. Years ago, he ensured the books of Rev. Willem Glashouwer Why Israel? and Why End Times? were translated into Korean, and is now keen to publish our newspaper for Korean readers in Australia and South Korea.

In a special Church service in a Presbyterian Church in Seoul, Paul Jung presented the newspaper on Sunday, 17 November. On Monday, 18 November a special conference took place in the Sarang Church in Seoul, which was attended by pastors, professors, and church leaders. During this conference Cornelis Kant spoke about the existence of a Christian theology in which Israel had no significance anymore and Paul Jung spoke about the relationship between Christians and Jews in Australia.

This is how the I&CT Newspaper in South Korean looks (click to enlarge)

The Korean edition of our Israel & Christians Today newspaper was presented and well received. South Korea has about 50 million inhabitants, and 30% of them are Christian. Seoul has big congregations with tens of thousands of members with many church services on Sundays. It would be wonderful if many of them would be willing to distribute the Korean edition of our newspaper. South Korea has a variety of Israel-related organizations but our newspaper, with its balance of profound articles about Israel from a biblical perspective, is unique in its kind. In 2020 three editions will be published. Paul Jung has established a small team of pastors and friends who are dedicated to promote and distribute the newspaper, who need need our support and prayer. We pray the newspaper may contribute to a deepening of the reader’s awareness of God’s wonderful plan for Israel and the world.

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