
Prayer Calendar December – January – now available!

28 November 2019

Chapter 11 of the letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament is known for the list of “Heroes of Faith”, with 39 references to the Old Testament. Abraham, Moses and Samuel are among the familiar names and Bible stories that many Christians know and love. All of them are listed to strengthen our own faith.

Over the next four months, Dec/Jan and Feb/March, fifteen “Heroes of Prayer” will be featured on Saturdays in the prayer calendar. These Biblical figures were not only a witness in their faith but also in their prayer lives! Just as faith of Abraham, Moses, Samuel and others encourage and inspire us their prayer and intercession inspire us as well.

How incredibly powerful God’s Word is! How wonderful that after all those centuries our faith and prayers can grow and become stronger through the witness of Abraham, the father of all who believe (Galatians 3:6-7), and the witness of Moses, who led God’s people to freedom! The exodus from Egypt is mentioned over 90 times in the Bible. The LORD Jesus is also an intercessor, both when He was with us on earth and now in heaven at God’s right hand (Romans 8:34). What a privilege it is to be so closely connected with Jesus and with other believers around the world in faith and prayer.

May this connection continue to be our goal in 2020.

Christians for Israel Prayer team



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