  • Olim at Kiev Airport ready for their departure to the Promised Land. Photo: Christians for Israel Ukraine
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Aliyah continues as ‘usual’: an update from Ukraine

Koen Carlier - 29 October 2020

A few days ago numerous minibuses brought olim (immigrants to Israel) from all over Ukraine for another ‘evacuation’ flight from ‘The land of the North’ to the ‘Promised Land’!

In my minibus I took six older olim from Kremenchuk and when I asked them: ‘why are you leaving now that almost everything comes to a standstill because of the Corona pandemic?’ They replied relieved: ‘Either we leave now or the chance of seeing our children and grandchildren again gets smaller and smaller!’

Everyone was grateful for the smooth ride to Kiev Airport. Thanks to the drivers of Christians for Israel and our partners of the Christian Aliyah Alliance 70 olim arrived safely at the airport in Kiev ready for their departure to Israel!


Photos: Christians for Israel Ukraine

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