Video Maranatha | The Signs of the Times with Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer #52
Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer - 19 May 2021
The Kingship of the Lord and His Anointed has begun. For a thousand years, the old earth had already experienced what it means to have Christ reigning publicly. His CAbohurch and His people, Israel, were fully involved with Him. A new heaven and a new earth will appear, a new universe, with immortal and incorruptible people. With incredible resurrection bodies. Glory will permeate everything and everyone. God will be everything and in everyone. He will be all in all. Forever.
À propos de l'auteur
Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer
Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer is the President of Christians for Israel International. He holds an honorary knighthood bestowed upon him by Beatrix, former Queen of the Netherlands and is Honorary President of the European Coalition for Israel. He is also an ordained minister of the Dutch Reformed Church and a former director of the Evangelical Broadcasting Company in the Netherlands. Rev. Glashouwer has played a key role in the establishment of the Dutch Institute for Evangelical Higher Education and in addition to several books, articles and Bible studies on Israel and the Christian faith. He also published a Daily Devotional on the Book of Revelation. He is married to Marianne and they have 4 children and 8 grandchildren.