Gaza conflict – call for prayer and action
This week we saw have yet another outbreak of violence between Israel and the extreme Islamic regime of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the loss of many lives.
Hamas – a recognized terror organization – has reigned rockets into Israel, killing several and endangering the lives of thousands of Israeli’s – both Jews and Arabs.

This house in Ashkelon was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip. Photo by Hadas Parush | Flash90
Hamas is dedicated to the killing of Jews and the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel, based on the Qu’ran.
Tragically, but ironically, those killed in Israel by rockets fired by Hamas were Arabs, not Jews. A 40-year-old Palestinian resident of the West Bank town of Halhul, north of Hebron, was killed after a house was hit by a missile in Ashkelon late Monday night. Eight others were wounded in the strike, including two women who were in the same building at the time of the attack.
More than 50 Israelis have been treated for injuries since Monday, most of them for light wounds or stress-related trauma.
Although Israel has entered into a truce with Hamas, many feel that full-scale war is both inevitable and perhaps even necessary in order to restore peace and security.
The situation in Gaza is a humanitarian crisis. Israel and Egypt have closed the borders because of the constant terror emanating from Gaza, while allowing food and medical supplies to go in and out of Gaza. The ordinary Palestinian people of Gaza are trapped under an extremist regime that, instead of using the millions of dollars of donor money to build democratic institutions, hospitals and roads, instead promotes Islamic jihad and incites hatred of the Jews.
Christians for Israel calls on the international community to condemn the Hamas terror, and on Christians worldwide to pray for the situation in and near Gaza.