
Lies and deception: the deliberate refusal in the West to acknowledge the truth

20 June 2024


“Newspeak” is propagandistic language that is characterized by euphamism, circumlocution and inversion of customary meanings. The term was coined by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-four published in 1949. Newspeak, “designed to diminish the range of thought,” was the language preferred by Big Brother’s pervasive enforcers. Types of newspeak in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four include the elimination of certain words or the removal of unorthodox meanings from certain words; and the substitution of one word for another.

Big Brother today is popular opinion and the secular media, especially in the Western media. It seems we are witnessing this when it comes to the war against Hamas. Instead of Hamas being called out for war crimes and genocide, it is Israel that is accused.

“Is the susceptibility of the masses, the reason for the disaster of the twentieth century, taking a new turn? Complicated content, nuances, contexts and contradictions, compromises are foreign to the media world.” 

These are the words of Herta Muller, one of the greatest contemporary German writers. She has written a shocking wake-up call to the West about “the madness that has gripped parts of Western society since Hamas attacked Israel.” She wrote: “I have the impression that the strategy of Hamas and its supporters is to make everything Israeli, and therefore everything Jewish, unbearable to the world. Hamas wants to maintain anti-Semitism as a permanent global mood.”

“The strategy of Hamas and its supporters is to make everything Israeli, and therefore everything Jewish, unbearable to the world.”

Muller decries the failure of the media and popular opinion in the West to comprehend that Iran and its proxies and allies are deliberately seeking to undermine and destroy Western values, Israel first.

“The mullahs’ and Hamas’ obsession with war is so dominant that – when it comes to the extermination of Jews – it even transcends the religious divide between Shiites and Sunnis. Everything else is subordinated to this obsession with war. The population is deliberately kept in poverty, while at the same time the wealth of the Hamas leadership is increasing immeasurably – in Qatar, Ismael Haniye is said to have billions at his disposal. And the contempt for humanity knows no bounds. For the population, there is almost nothing left except martyrdom. Military plus religion as a complete surveillance. There is literally no room for dissenting opinions within Palestinian politics in Gaza. Hamas has driven out all other political currents from the Gaza Strip with incredible brutality. After Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2007, Fatah members were thrown from a fifteen-storey building as a deterrent.”

She continued:

“I lived in a dictatorship for over thirty years. And when I came to Western Europe, I could not imagine that democracy could ever be called into question in such a way. I thought that in a dictatorship, people are systematically brainwashed. And that in democracies, people learn to think for themselves because the individual counts. Unlike in a dictatorship, where independent thought is forbidden and the forced collective trains people. And where the individual is not a part of the collective, but an enemy. I am appalled that young people, students in the West, are so confused that they are no longer aware of their freedom. That they have apparently lost the ability to distinguish between democracy and dictatorship.”

In another example of  report released this week, Columbia University Professors Awi Federgruen and Ran Kivetz have analyzed available data and conducted research whose “findings demonstrate that sufficient amounts of food are being supplied into Gaza,” they noted in a summary of their findings presented to The Jerusalem Post.

And in their June 7 article in The Times, Catherine Philp and Gabrielle Weiniger chose to whitewash horrific crimes committed against innocent women, effectively further dehumanizing them. Entitled “Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up?”, the piece is “a classic example of denialism, cherry-picking information to paint Jews, and by extension their country, as unable to differentiate between reality and fiction due to their political proclivities and past traumas”, according to JNS. Professor Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Orit Sulitzeanu and Dr. Sarai Aharoni, all of whom were quoted in the Times piece, released a statement accusing its authors of misrepresentation in service of an agenda. “We generally do not respond to press articles. However, due to the cynical exploitation of our interviews in the article … we feel compelled to depart from our policy,” the statement reads. “Regrettably, the published article misrepresented our words, twisting them to convey the impression that we support the prejudiced argument that claims of sexual violence are being manipulated by Israel.”

“The piece is a classic example of denialism, cherry-picking information to paint Jews, and by extension their country, as unable to differentiate between reality and fiction due to their political proclivities and past traumas”

Finally, last Monday there was a fascinating debate in Toronto on the topic: “Anti-Zionism is antisemitism”. It was proposed by the writer Douglas Murray and international lawyer Natasha Hausdorff, and opposed by the Guardian journalist Mehdi Hasan and Israeli anti-Zionist Ha’aretz writer Gideon Levy.

As Melanie Philips reports, “as usually happens at such events, Zionism was misleadingly reframed by the anti-Zionist opposition. For Gideon Levy, who seems to think that the self-determination of a people gets cancelled when Levy decides he disapproves of the people, Zionism was apparently transformed from a heroic escape route for Jewish victims into a diabolical creed of Jewish oppressors when Israel started doing things Levy didn’t like. Thus Israel’s alleged behaviour was conflated with the right of the Jewish people to have their own country at all. And as also usually happens at such events, these two anti-Zionists promulgated distortions, falsehoods and blood libels to demonise Israel and its supporters.”

Let us continue to speak out for the truth.

The Editorial team Israel & Christians Today

An OPEN LETTER from Herta Muller

She is one of the greatest contemporary German writers. Now, Nobel Prize winner Herta Muller has written a shocking wake-up call to the West – The madness that has gripped parts of Western society since Hamas attacked Israel.
> Read more..

Experts: ICC and UN blamed Israel for a famine that never happened in Gaza – exclusive
Seth J. Frantzman at JPost: ‘We found that the food supply entering Gaza is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans according to what is considered a normal diet in North America”
> Read more..

Believe all women … except for Israeli Oct. 7 survivors
Charles Bybelezer and Amelie Botbol at JNS: “In their June 7 article in The Times, Catherine Philp and Gabrielle Weiniger chose to whitewash horrific crimes committed against innocent women, effectively further dehumanizing them.”
> Read more..

Is anti-Zionism antisemitism?
Melanie Philips: The debate in Toronto gripped, appalled and surprised.
> Read more..

Watch the opening statement of Douglas Murry from the Munk Debates event:


Jeremiah 33: 14-26

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.