
The Lord is a refuge for His people

3 October 2024

The Jewish new year commenced yesterday on Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe, the day G‑d created Adam and Eve. It is celebrated as the Jewish New Year. Together with Yom Kippur (which follows 10 days later), it is part of the Yamim Nora’im (Days of Awe).

We take this opportunity to wish our Jewish readers Shana Tova and a blessed new year.

One senses these are prophetic times. The Lord is truly protecting His people, but He is also judging the nations who oppose His purposes.

Here is a short recap of some of the most important developments over the last weeks.

Hezbollah and Iran
Ever since Hamas’ brutal invasion of Israel on 7th October 2023, Iran and its proxy Hezbollah have been attacking Israeli communities and military posts along the Israel-Lebanon border since 8th October 2023. About 60,000 Israelis were evacuated from their homes.

Hezbollah’s attacks over the last year were in clear breach of international law, including United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 that was intended to resolve the 2006 Lebanon War. The resolution called for a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon to be replaced by Lebanese and United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) forces deploying to southern Lebanon and the disarmament of armed groups including Hezbollah, with no armed forces other than UNIFIL and Lebanese military south of the Litani River, which flows about 29 km north of the border.

“One senses these are prophetic times. The Lord is truly protecting His people, but He is also judging the nations who oppose His purposes.”

United Nations 

On 19th July the International Court of Justice issued its opinion that it is illegal for Jews to live in the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Two months later, on Tuesday 17th September, the nations of the world decided in New York to divide the land that God has promised for the Jewish people. One hundred and twenty-four nations decided that the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria belong to the Palestinians, and to prohibit Jews from living there. This is of course a non-binding resolution that cannot be enforced. Nevertheless, it was a momentous decision that has far-reaching consequences. Over two thousand years ago, the prophet Joel spoke of the times when the Lord would “restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem”:

“In those days and at that time when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to My inheritance, My people Israel, because they scattered My people among the nation and divided up My land.”

Are we are living in the days in which this prophecy is being fulfilled? It is certainly remarkable that, immediately following this decision in New York, there has been a seismic shift. Since mid-September, Israel has gone on the offensive against Iran and Hezbollah.

Israel goes on the offensive

On 17th September – remarkably, this was the same day the UN General Assembly decided to divide the land, as referred to above – thousands of pagers were detonated in Lebanon, killing twelve and wounding about 3000 Hezbollah operatives. The following day, Hezbollah hand-held radios exploded killing 25 people and injuring at least 650. Israel has claimed responsibility for this operation. This operation has been described as perhaps the most successful operations in military history.

In the same period, Israel carried out targeted attacks to eliminate key Hezbollah leaders in Lebanon. This culminated on 27th September when Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was killed in a massive airstrike Israel conducted on the terrorist organization’s underground headquarters in Beirut.

On the same day, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered a historic speech in the UN General Assembly, in which he quoted Joshua 1: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Late September, Israel launched a ground invasion in southern Lebanon, in what it has described as “limited, localised and targeted” raids against Hezbollah.

Iran responded several days later. On Tuesday night 1st October, Iran fired a massive salvo of 181 ballistic missiles at Israel on Tuesday night, sending almost 10 million people into bomb shelters. The Israeli airforce as well as Israel’s air defence systems (Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow) intercepted most of them.  Miraculously, only one person was killed – a Palestinian in the West Bank – and two Israelis were injured by falling shrapnel and debris. There is no doubt God was protecting His people.

Soon after the attack Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tehran that it had made “a big mistake” and “will pay for it.”

“On the same day, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered a historic speech in the UN General Assembly, in which he quoted Joshua 1.”

What next? 

It is not yet known what will happen next. Israel may respond to Iran’s ballistic missile attack by striking strategic Iranian infrastructure, such as gas or oil rigs, or by directly targeting Iran’s nuclear sites, media reports said on Wednesday, citing Israeli officials. Targeted assassinations and attacks on Iran’s air defense systems are also possible. An attack on Iranian oil facilities could devastate the country’s economy, and any of the considered responses could mark another escalation, almost one year into the ongoing war that began when the Hamas terror group attacked Israel in October 2023.

Let us pray in these momentous days for Israel, for the Jewish people, for the nations, and for the peace of Jerusalem. Let us also keep praying for the hostages held in Gaza. 

Israel declares Guterres persona non grata on Rosh Hashanah eve
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Prime Minister Netnyahu’s speech at the UN 2024
“Enough is enough!”
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Joel 3:1-16
“In those days and at that time,
when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 I will gather all nations
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.[b]
There I will put them on trial
for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,
because they scattered my people among the nations
and divided up my land.
3 They cast lots for my people
and traded boys for prostitutes;
they sold girls for wine to drink.
4 “Now what have you against me, Tyre and Sidon and all you regions of Philistia? Are you repaying me for something I have done? If you are paying me back, I will swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done. 5 For you took my silver and my gold and carried off my finest treasures to your temples. 6 You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks,that you might send them far from their homeland.
7 “See, I am going to rouse them out of the places to which you sold them, and I will return on your own heads what you have done. 8 I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, a nation far away.” The Lord has spoken.
9 Proclaim this among the nations:
Prepare for war!
Rouse the warriors!
Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.
10 Beat your plowshares into swords
and your pruning hooks into spears.
Let the weakling say,
“I am strong!”
11 Come quickly, all you nations from every side,
and assemble there.
Bring down your warriors, Lord!
12 “Let the nations be roused;
let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat,
for there I will sit
to judge all the nations on every side.
13 Swing the sickle,
for the harvest is ripe.
Come, trample the grapes,
for the winepress is full
and the vats overflow—
so great is their wickedness!”
14 Multitudes, multitudes
in the valley of decision!
For the day of the Lord is near
in the valley of decision.
15 The sun and moon will be darkened,
and the stars no longer shine.
16 The Lord will roar from Zion
and thunder from Jerusalem;
the earth and the heavens will tremble.
But the Lord will be a refuge for his people,
a stronghold for the people of Israel.