
The UN fails to condemn Hamas, Iran and Qatar

6 September 2024

On 7th October 2023, the non-state organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) invaded Israel. They slaughtered 1200 innocent persons and took hundreds of hostages back to their underground tunnels in Gaza. About one hundred of those hostages are still being kept in the Hamas tunnels, many of them have already been killed.

It is impossible to imagine a more fundamental violation of international law and values. Israel has responded in the legitimate exercise of its right to self-defense to eradicate the threat posed by Hamas and PIJ to the security of its citizens.

A week ago, Hamas brutally killed six hostages by shooting them in the head, just before they were about to be freed. Again, a more fundamental violation of international law cannot be imagined.

“Hamas brutally killed six hostages by shooting them in the head”

Israel is currently carrying out an intensive campaign in the West Bank to root out these battalions. At least eleven Palestinians have been reported killed so far in clashes and IDF drone strikes. Several wanted Palestinians have also been detained amid the operation, according to the military.

Since then, something strange has happened. It is not Hamas or PIJ that has been condemned by the international community – but Israel is blamed for this tragedy. Israel’s so-called “occupation” of “Palestinian territory” is identified as the root cause of this conflict. Israel’s efforts to destroy the threat facing it in Gaza are condemned as a gross violation of international humanitarian law. Israel is even accused of genocide.

In February, the International Court of Justice ruled that it has not been established that Israel has committed genocide; yet this ruling is often used to argue that it is likely that Israel has violated the Genocide Convention.

Even this week, when Israel put the hostage issue on the Security Council agenda, Hamas was not condemned. Nor were Iran or Qatar condemned, while it is clear that they are sponsoring and enabling Hamas, Hezbollah and other terror organizations to annihilate the Jewish State.

Rather, Israel is being pressured to enter into a cease-fire.

    “U.N. Security Council members expressed frustration Wednesday with the failure to conclude a cease-fire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas, amid the killing of six Israeli hostages and the escalation of violence in the West Bank.

    “There is a sense of outrage felt around the globe,” said Slovenia’s Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, whose delegation holds the council’s rotating presidency this month. “Outrage in Palestine that the international community is failing them; outrage on Israeli streets that the hostages continue being held in Gaza; outrage of the global public that this war does not stop.”

“Hamas was not condemned. Nor were Iran or Qatar condemned”

The United Nations was established in 1945 to fulfill an important task: promoting global peace and security, by means of peaceful relations and cooperation.

The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

    All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Surely, it is the task of the United Nations to condemn all those – states and non-state actors – who demonstrably violate fundamental principles of law by seeking the annihilation of a UN member state?

‘Shadows of children’: UN Security Council hears of plight of child hostages in Gaza
Ambassador Danon claims discussion is first time Security Council addressed issue of Israeli hostages in Gaza, emphasizes accounts of sexual abuse in captivity, accuses UN of apathy
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Iran’s New Plan: Lost Gaza, So Take West Bank
If anyone is upset with Israel for its counterterrorism operation, they need to be more upset with the PA for not standing up to the armed groups and preventing Iran from establishing a terror base in the West Bank. Failing to do so means that Iran’s proxies may soon hurl Abbas himself from a high-rise in Ramallah, the de-facto capital of the Palestinians in the West Bank, in addition to launching more terrorist attacks against Israelis.
> Read more..

Netanyahu: Hostage accord not close, and Hamas is to blame
“There’s a story, a narrative out there that there’s a deal out there,” the prime minister said. “Hamas has consistently said no to every one of them.”
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Psalm 80:1-7

Hear us, Shepherd of Israel,
you who lead Joseph like a flock.
You who sit enthroned between the cherubim,
shine forth 2 before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh.
Awaken your might;
come and save us. 3 Restore us, O God;
make your face shine on us,
that we may be saved.
4 How long, Lord God Almighty,
will your anger smolder
against the prayers of your people?
5 You have fed them with the bread of tears;
you have made them drink tears by the bowlful.
6 You have made us an object of derision[b] to our neighbors,
and our enemies mock us.
7 Restore us, God Almighty;
make your face shine on us,
that we may be saved.