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The Things We Get Used To

Blogs Whether it be moving house, changing jobs, or adjusting to a new family situation, getting used to new situations shows that we are resilient creatures. Our ability to adapt is […]

The Art of Remembering

Blogs Considering the enormity of recent events in Israel, and the national metaphysical, existential, and psychological shock following them, it is …

Psalm 41:9

Video In Psalm 41:9 we read: ‘Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread, has turned against …
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Christians for Israel produces Israel and Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper distributed internationally - in most cases free of charge! The main purpose of Israel & Christians Today is to proclaim the message, that Israel is a sign of Hope for the Church of the Coming of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God’s promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

Divers aanbod
Christians for Israel produces Israel and Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper. The main purpose of Israel & Christians Today is to proclaim the message, that Israel is a sign of Hope for the Church of the Coming of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God’s promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

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Israel & Christians Today Weekly Update is a weekly reflection on current global affairs concerning Israel and the Jewish people.