
C4I Prayer Calendar October-November ’24

28 September 2024

Recently, there has been significant media coverage of the widespread public protests in Israel. Demonstrations, both from right-wing and left-wing orthodox groups caused a lot of unrest and regularly led to escalations with the police. The dissension amongst the Israeli population is alarming. It does not only divide the people but it also creates distrust and animosity. The Bible says that a kingdom that is divided against itself will not stand (Matthew 25:12). And that is exactly what the opponent wants: disintegrate the unity of God’s people. For good reason the name of Satan is “divider”. He pits people against each other so that the focus is no longer on God but on each other. Unity makes a country strong; division literally breaks it up. Even Jesus prayed for unity: “Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name, the name You gave Me, so that they may be one as We are one” (John 17:11).

Let us therefore pray together for unity in Israel. Unity for the people, for the government, for the army. We do not pray because we know better, but because prayer has incredibly much power and can break the spirit of division. Let us therefore pray for unity, trust and tolerance. So that the people, together as one people of God, may set their eyes on God.


The Christians for Israel Prayer Team