
Prayer for Israel

9 October 2023

Prayer points

Pray for the wounded and families of murdered Israelis
The ever-rising death toll in Israel currently stands at more than 700, most of them are civilians. Pray for the bereaved families. Over 2,200 people are injured, including 22 critically and 343 seriously. Pray for their healing and recovery.

Pray for the protection and release of hostages
Hamas has taken more than 100 men, women, children, elderly and soldiers hostage. They were taken to the Gaza Strip. Pray for protection of the hostages and strength for their families.

Protection and safety
We pray for supernatural protection for the rest of the country. For God’s protection for the civilians and the army. That God may be their shield and a wall of fire around them.

Pray for the Israeli army
The Israeli army has mobilised 300,000 reservists. This is the largest Israeli mobilisation ever. It is still unclear if and when there will be a counterattack. Pray for wisdom, protection and insight.

Pray for decision-makers
We pray for Israeli government officials and military commanders to make wise and God-guided decisions.

Pray for medical care in Israel
Hospitals in Israel are flooded with injured people. Pray for the medical care, for wisdom and decisiveness among medical teams. Pray that all the wounded can be treated.

Terror and rockets
We pray that all remaining terrorists in Israel will be captured or neutralised. We pray for protection from the thousands of Hamas rockets. (Psalm 44:4-8)

Pray for protection of the Jewish community worldwide
When something happens in Israel, hatred and violence against Jews increases worldwide. Pray for God’s presence and protection of the Jewish community around the world.

Blessing for Israel
Let us pray that Christians around the world will wake up to the reality of increasing demonically inspired antisemitism. That we bless the Jewish people and pray for God’s plans for Israel to be fulfilled.

Pray for peace
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6)
