• Christians for Israel distributes food parcels to Jewish people's homes in Ukraine | Photo: Christians for Israel Ukraine
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Food Aid for the Jewish Communities in the War Zone During the High Holidays

Koen Carlier - 24 September 2024

In wartime the Jewish communities in Ukraine prepare for the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana), Yom Kippur and Sukkot. They need food aid urgently. Together we can support them.

Within a few weeks the Jewish New Year arrives (Rosh Hashana), followed by Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)! A time to commemorate, stand still and spend time in the synagogue. Reading from the Psalms and realize that we are dependent in everything on the Creator of heaven and earth! Busy times ahead for the rabbis in Ukraine, because like every year their community constantly changes due to the war and they continue to explain the meaning of the Lord’s Feasts.

“Residential areas in numerous cities and villages in the province of Sumy are almost constantly bombed”

Cry for help from the province of Sumy
The situation in different parts of the province of Sumy deteriorates day after day due to the many missile and drone attacks, like on the cities of Sumy and Konotop. North of Sumy, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers invaded Russia and occupy 1,300 square kilometres of the province of Kursk. In response, residential areas in numerous cities and villages in the province of Sumy are almost constantly bombed.

Recently we supplied from our emergency stockpile two large shipments of over 11,000 kg of food products. We carried out a lot of evacuations already and are ready for new evacuations if necessary. It came as a shock when last Thursday a retirement home, housing 222 elderly and disabled people, was hit by missiles, causing a lot of wounded and fatalities. The images on  the local news were terrible! The leader of the Jewish community phoned us in a trembling voice and said: “The city is in shock, nobody anticipated this terrible attack on this large retirement home.”

There is no safe space in Ukraine anywhere. Even a Red Cross lorry containing 20 tonnes of humanitarian aid in Eastern Ukraine was hit by drones, causing three fatalities and the complete destruction of the lorry.

“There is no safe space in Ukraine anywhere”

In the video below Anemone is visiting Zoya – 86 years – when the air raid alarm sounds. Zoya tells that she feels all alone, without family, no one around her. Anemone tells her that she has her heavenly Father Who loves her a lot and that we too can be her family if she wants.

What can we do?
We will not abandon the Jewish communities and will continue with our aid. Numerous requests reach us asking us to bring food parcels before and during the Jewish Holidays so that something can be given to the Jewish elderly, Holocaust survivors and internal refugees. The plan is to pack and distribute in the short term 7,000 food parcels of 10 kgs each, especially in places near the front, like Zaporizhzhia, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa and possibly a new emergency stockpile to Sumy.

Have a look at the photographs below to see the Christians for Israel team in Ukraine in action.
The text continues underneath the photographs.

All food parcels are carefully packed by volunteers and handed out with a smile! Danger remains and lurks around the corner, but especially in times of need and war it is important to be there for others. Especially the Holocaust survivors who never expected to live through another war in their old age.

Comfort, comfort My People, invaluable in times of war!

Visiting Jewish elderly with a card and a food parcel | Photo: Christians for Israel Ukraine

“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” (Proverbs 14:31).

Will you help?
We hope to be able to hand out 7,000 food parcels in the short term. Thank you for your prayers and support!
The cost of one food parcel is 15 euros or 15 US $. For this amount we buy wholesale products. The parcels are packed by volunteers and distributed throughout Ukraine. Will you help with one or more food parcels? Your support is desperately needed!

1 food parcel costs 15 euros / 15 US $ and consists of:
1 kg of sugar
1 kg of rice
1 kg of grits
2 kg of pasta
1 liter of oil
1 kg of flour
500 gr of oatmeal
1 box of tea
250 ml of condensed milk
1 can of fish
1 box of cookies
1 bar of chocolate
200 gr of coffee
1 can of peas
1 can of corn

Support in  €

Support in US $

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