First Home Update – Our parents are the roots, we are the flowers…
“They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8
The celebration of Tu Bi-Shvat is over and now it is time to tell the story about our roots.
“Enjoying working together planting tulip bulbs proved impossible because of Covid-19 restrictions”
At the beginning of 2022 we have planted huge numbers of tulip bulbs given to us by our dear Christians for Israel friends. Usually they come to Israel to lead the process and we can enjoy working together. But in 2021 that proved to be impossible because of Covid-19 restrictions.

Elena Kovarsky, director of “First Home in the Homeland” program, kibbutz Mashabei Sade | Photo: JAFI
Nevertheless we from JAFI “spread” the bulbs among kibbutzim from the South to the North of Israel to be planted in the gardens. All our olim families were involved as they took it as being a good start for laying the foundation for their new life here.
“Colourful carpets of spring flowers will bring happiness and positive emotions to everyone witnessing that miracle in the desert”
By the time the flowers blossom, people who planted them, would move to different cities, and settle in different parts of the country. However, their First Home decorated with colourful carpets of spring flowers will bring happiness and positive emotions to everyone witnessing that miracle in the desert.

Alexander from Siberia (Russia) is planting tulips with his lovely coordinator Yana Baranovsky in kibbutz Revivim | Photo: JAFI
This year is the seventh year of the agricultural cycle or the shabbath one (Shmita) when religious people should not plant anything in the ground. That is why we have planted tulips into pots in kibbutz Sde Eliyahu and kibbutz Yagur.
Alexey Moskvichyov from Vinnytsia moved to Israel in June 2021. Now he lives in kibbutz Yagur in the North. He also took part in planting tulips and now he is enjoying a beautiful view from his balcony. He is really grateful to this place where he has found home, job and made new friends!
Please support the “First Home in the Homeland” Project. Any amount is welcome!
Assisting a family in the “First Home” program costs € 230 euro / US $ 250 a month.
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