• A final warm embrace in the cold before departure. From the snow in Ukraine to the snow in Israel | Photo: Christians for Israel
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Jewish immigration from Ukraine continues

Koen Carlier - 2 February 2022

Despite the tensions in Ukraine and messages about large-scale evacuations by the Israeli government the aliyah of Jews from Ukraine to Israel continues – for the time being –  as usual.

Our driver Sergey and I took in total eleven olim (emigrants) in two mini buses from Kherson in south-eastern Ukraine to the airport in Odessa, just like the last Jewish family from a small village an hour’s drive from Kherson.

“Among the olim were some parents of whom the children left with our jubilee flight on September 14, last year”

And from western Ukraine a couple of families were taken to our shelter, where they could stay the night and prepare for the early flight to Tel Aviv, the next morning. Among them were some parents of whom the children left with our jubilee flight on September 14, last year.

Last week, thanks to our help, in total 107 olim left for Israel from the airports of Dnipro, Kiev and Odessa.

The previous journeys with olim were different in the past few weeks. You hear everywhere: “We didn’t see the integration in Israel as the biggest challenge before we left, but we were anxious if we could get away at all in time”, aiming at the tensions with our neighbouring country Russia.

“Thousands of Jewish families from the Land of the North (Eastern Europe) and the rest of the world took an important step last year to leave the Diaspora for good”

It was heartbreaking to see how grandparents, mother Elena and her 11-year-old daughter Ira said goodbye to their 21-year-old granddaughter, daughter and older sister, who hope to go to Israel soon as well, by the way. We advised her in advance – when she is actually leaving – to leave via the kibbutzim programme of First Home in the Homeland.

Thousands of Jewish families from the Land of the North (Eastern Europe) and the rest of the world took an important step last year to leave the Diaspora for good and this year it will not be different.

“Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the coastlands far away; say, ‘He who scattered Israel will gather him, and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.’” (Jeremiah 31:10).

Help the Jews come home!
Please support our action ‘Bring the Jews Home’.

It costs 135 euros or 165 US $ to assist one Ukrainian Jew for making aliyah.
Any amount is welcome!


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