Update Emergency Appeal southern Israel
In the first weekend of the month of May 2019 there was widespread unrest in southern Israel. In less than 48 hours over 700 missiles were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Once again, a major trauma for the residents of southern Israel.
There was a strong response to our emergency appeal, for which we thank you most warmly. Until now we have received more than 61,000 euros for the emergency aid in southern Israel! This sum will be used one hundred per cent for the emergency aid. We will continue the action, because despite of the relative calm of the moment we unfortunately expect new violence to flare up again. So, your donations remain welcome!
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In this article we want to inform you about how your donation is spent.
1. Emergency aid for the families affected
Via our partner organizations in Israel emergency aid – also thanks to your contribution – is given to nineteen families who are direct victims of the missile attacks in and around Sderot. With this aid they can pay for the costs that are not (yet) covered by insurances or by the government. Think for example of basic emergency shelters (in case their home is destroyed) and the renovation and interior decoration of the damaged houses. The trauma assistance for the children of these families is an important part of the emergency aid that has been made possible thanks to your support.
2. Amigour, for people living in poverty and the elderly
The Amigour project provides relief to underprivileged families, elderly and Holocaust survivors in the whole of Israel. Some of the relief centers in southern Israel – under the primary responsibility of Amigour – were heavily damaged at the early part of May 2019 by the violent rain of missiles from Gaza. The residents were temporarily evacuated to emergency shelters out of the missiles’ range.

Right in front of the entrance of the apartment building for elderly people and Holocaust survivors a missile fired from Gaza came down at the beginning of May 2019
Your donation is used to help repair the damaged apartments of this vulnerable group of elderly people. The buildings in Ashdod, Ashkelon and Beer Sheva are within reach of the missiles and must meet extra safety criteria like air-raid shelters and reinforced concrete rooftops.
Once again thank you for your support. Your gift is not only a financial contribution but an enormous encouragement for our friends in Israel. It strengthens the people in Israel to know that they have loyal friends around the world, who stand beside them!